Thursday, 23 October 2008

RIP MacBookPro and hello MacBook White

I never thought I'd own the shiny white baby of the mighty Mac range: altogether too cute for me. But when yesterday my second MacBook Pro hard drive died in under 9 months, and the fact that it has had to have a new keyboard too, I decided to go simple. Yes I know I could have had another hard drive under warranty, but honestly how many chances can I give the right hand of my life? 

So here I am smiling inanely at the pleasing clickable keys, deep glossy screen and altogether ease of use. I was an early adopter when it comes to Macs. I've had the odd PC affair, but all my main loves have been with the apple way back to neanderthal times when wireless was something your parents listened to. I'm quite glad it's not the ubiquitous aluminium and the keys don't automatically illuminate as dusk falls. Thanks to the new dual core processors it's as fast as my 12-month old top of the range MacBookPro that cost more than twice as much as the albino baby. And it still comes with two firewire ports (unlike the all-new, improved MacBooks).

I may regret this, but so far, my latest love looks like we may go the distance. 

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